FCB Ulka Brand Building Advertising Concepts and Cases Book I & Book II : These two books contain real-life cases from the archives of FCB Ulka.
“Advertising is salesmanship in print”. Today, Indian advertising presents a kaleidoscope of imagery-global brands battling local brands, regional brands battling national brands, “value” brands battling “better value” brands.
Brand Building Advertising wades through this complexity and shares with the practitioners some of the success stories of FCB-ULKA advertising agency that put some companies and products on the brand map.
Written in a user friendly style, the book highlights the concepts and dwells on the process of genesis of a brand, where it emerges from the shadows of anonymity into limelight of brand equity.
The concepts and cases have been described in 6 sections, including fundamentals to:
- Making advertising work
- Making consumer product advertising work
Session 1
Introduction to Advertising
- What is Advertising?
- History of advertising
- Role of advertising in the marketing mix
- Changing advertising world
- Indian advertising scene - Agencies, Media
Case Doodh Doodh - Wonderful! Glassful real taste of milk!
Case Discussion Questions:
- What is the need to advertise milk?
- How will this advertising help milk producers?
- What are other ways of stimulating demand for milk?
Session 2
Advertising Planning
- Understanding consumer behaviour in the marketing situation
- Segmentation of the market
- Analysis of Market, Analysis of competition, consumer and Brand
- Process of advertising development
Case LML Vespa - Build your own mountain
Case Discussion Questions:
- How can the two-wheeler market be segmented? Is this a constant over time?
- What is the current market scenario? How can LML compete?
- What would be the process adopted to arrive at LML's advertising strategy?
Session 3
How Advertising Works
- Models - DAGMAR/ AIDA/ FCB Grid
- Setting advertising objectives - in relation to marketing objectives, PLC, competitive situation.
- Defining target audience/segments
Case Captain Cook Atta - Branding a commodity
Case Discussion Questions
- What would be advertising's role in a commodity market?
- What could be the advertising objectives for Captain Cook?
- Who would be the primary target audience for a new brand in a commodity market?
Session 4
- Positioning the brand in the consumer's mind
- Positioning options - Positioning analysis
- Brand Identity and Brand Equity Analysis
- Positioning within the context of overall brand identity
- Relevance - Unique-Believable (RUB) Test
Case Sundrop - Positioning for healthy success
Case discussion questions
- What were the key ingredients/ supports for the positioning of Sundrop?
- How sustainable is Sundrop positioning?
- How would you attempt positioning a food product (brand) like jams or pickles?
Session 5
Creative Strategy
- Advertising objectives to creative objectives
- Client brief to creative brief
- Elements of the creative brief
- Objectives; Target Person; Promise; Support
Case Santoor- Success more than skin deep
Case discussion questions
- What would be the key elements of the Santoor creative brief?
- What is the creative leap taken in the Santoor advertising?
- Looking at a few key soap brands, what are their creative strategies?
Session 6
Creative Approaches
- Creative execution styles; testimonial, storyline, problem solution, demonstration, suspense, satire, fantasy
- Developing a creative appreciation
- Nuturing creative ideas
- Supporting creative leaps
Case Voltas Megalaundrette - Only size matters
Case discussion questions
- What is the core creative strategy for Voltas? How is it different from all other washing machines creative strategy?
- Can the same brief be executed differently ?
- What helps advertising to break through the clutter: strategy or execution?
Session 7
Budget Setting
- Marketing Objectives to Marketing plan to arriving at advertising budgets
- Common methods of budget setting
- Objective & Task; Percentage of sales
- Annual budgeting Vs rolling plans
- Competitive scenario implications
Case Wipro - We've been thinking of you
Case discussion questions
- How would you arrive at a budget for a corporate brand campaign like Wipro?
- Would budget allocations change with time? What would impact budgets?
- How could a corporate brand advertiser measure the delivery /ROI?
Session 8
Media Strategy
- Media vehicles available today
- Qualitative aspects of media
- Quantitative aspects of media
- Reach, frequency
- Developing a media strategy - objectives, processes, bench marking
Case Escotel - Branding a New Service
Case discussion questions
- What would be an ideal media strategy for a new service brand like Escotel?
- How can Escotel measure the success of its media strategy?
- Could Escotel have used unconventional media for delivering its message? Which media?
Session 9
Media Planning & Buying
- Importance of setting plan objectives
- Reach, OTS; GRP;TRP
- Planning options: Flighting/Pulsing/Constant
- Media buying fundamentals
- Consolidation across brands
- Economies of scale
- Advantages and disadvantages
Case Godrej Storwel - Selling an Emotion
Case discussion questions
- What would be media objectives for an old established brand like Godrej Storwel?
- What is more important for Godrej, reach or OTS?
- How would one-factor variables like seasonality, geography into Godrej plans? Are they relevant?
Session 10
Advertising Research
- Stages of research in advertising development
- Pre-test and post-test
- Brand tracking studies
- Limitations of advertising research
- How to use ad research better
Case Usha Sewing machines - Building a Gem Collection
Case discussion questions
- What kind of pre-test research could be done before a campaign like the Usha Gem collection?
- Are image scores a good measure of campaign effectiveness? What could be extraneous influences on the scores?
- Develop an advertising research blueprint for a new campaign for an established brand like Godrej locks.
Session 11
Interactive Communication
- Direct/Digital one to one marketing communication
- Telemarketing and web based customer acquisition and management programmes
- Recency - Frequency - Monetary value of a direct customer
- Customer Relationship Management programmes and the role of marketing communications
Case HDFC - Building an affinity with a key intermediary
Case discussion questions
- What were the key objectives of HDFC's key partners programme?
- How could this programme be extended to deepen the relationships?
- What could be other categories/markets where a programme like this could help?
Session 12
Sales Promotions
- Difference between advertising, PR and sales promotions
- Objectives of sales promotions
- Types of sales promotions
- Measuring effectiveness of sales promotions
Case Amul Malai Paneer - Unforgettable Taste
Case discussion questions
- What could be sales promotion methods Amul could use to increase trial of Malia Paneer?
- How can Amul measure the effectiveness of the sales promotion scheme? Sales? Any other variable?
- Will a contest work for a new product? What will work best?
Session 13
Public Relations & Event Marketing
- Defining public relations and its difference from advertising
- Target publics and objective setting for a PR campaign
- Implementing a PR campaign and measuring the impact
- Events to build experiential marketing thrust to brands
- Types of events - internal public, external consumers; branded Vs sponsored
Case Bangaram Island Resorts - Thank god for nothing
Case discussion questions
- What would be a PR campaign for a travel/tourism service like Bangaram?
- Can Bangaram use events to build word-of-mouth/ PR coverage?
- Can PR alone work for a niche service? When will it stop working?
Session 14
Legal Aspects of Marketing Communication
- Legal restrictions on advertising certain product categories
- Indian legal systems
- Consumer Protection Acts
- Magic Remedies Acts
- Advertising Standards Council of India
- Indian Newspaper Society/ Doordarshan rules
- International guidelines and their implications to the Indian market:
Case Novartis - Protecting farmer's cotton cash
Case discussion questions
- Why is selling and distribution of pesticides controlled by the Government?
- What internal safeguards should a pesticide company have to protect itself from wrongful usage?
- Would pharmaceutical companies have to adopt similar guidelines? Why?
Session 15
Summing Up
- Advertising process and development
- Advertising objective setting and strategy
- Positioning & Analysis of consumer/competition
- Creative Strategy
- Budget setting
- Media Strategy & Planning
- Sales Promotion/ Direct/ Interactive
- PR/ Events
- Ad Agency Structure
“I recommend this book. It is a wonderful blend of advertising concepts and theories with well-developed case studies illustrated in incredible colour”.
-David Aaker, Professor Emeritus of
Marketing at Haas School of Business,
University California Berkeley
“M.G. Parameswaran has produced a sound and attractively-written book that is intellectually accessible to marketing and advertising practitioners, from the most senior to the most junior. They will all have something to learn from it. A particular point of interest to a non-Indian reader is that the cases featured in the book are all Indian: either local brands from international manufacturers or local brands from local manufacturers. These all have great intrinsic interest, but they demonstrate essentially the similarities – not the differences – in best practice between the Indian and Western worlds.”
-John Philip Jones, Professor,
Syracuse University
“I really enjoyed reading Mr. M.G. Parameswaran’s Brand Building Advertising: Concepts and Cases. It is highly readable and I found it difficult to put it down once I started reading it! Each case history in the book is well documented and narrated as a great story. What impressed me most was the commonality of process of creating successful brands across consumer products, consumer services and corporate branding situations.
This book is a must read especially by clients of advertising agencies.”
-Dr. Jagdish N. Sheth,
Charles H. Kellstadt
Professor of Marketing,
Emory University, Atlanta,. USA.
The book is available in two versions in hard cover, with CD (Rs. 650/-) and without CD (Rs. 250/-). The book is available from all reputed book sellers and to order it on the web visit www.tatamcgrawhill.com